I am looking for scores for players, like CJ Vick
Where can I get scores/results on Pro basketball in Finland?hockey
The statistics service of Finnish basketball association can be found from , there's a little language link in the upper right corner of the page (ENG FIN) if you don't understand Finnish.
To find CJ Vick, you have to choose men's 1st division also from the upper right corner (a drop down menu), and then choose "players" from the left hand side. He doesn't seem to be doing too well...
PS: as a comment for the other answerers: this one isn't that easy to find if you can't use Finnish keywords in your search, and yes, Finns play also soccer. Doesn't mean we couldn't play other games too.
Where can I get scores/results on Pro basketball in Finland?nba street v3 ,nba teams
Basketball In Finland?????????????????????????????? i think they play soccer.
Type in on search engine
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